The Horse Family Tree

This diagram (from the horse FAQ) just shows genus names. In 1940, this diagram would have showed only 15 genera, representing only 200 species. But we just keep finding horse fossils. There are entire books about them.

The numbers down the left hand side are the dates. The present is at the top, and 55 million years ago is at the bottom.

2My        Old & New World Equus
                \  |  /
                 \ | /
4My   Hippidion  Equus                                           Stylohipparion
         |        |                   Neohipparion   Hipparion   Cormohipparion
         |        |    Astrohippus         |           |             |
         |        |    Pliohippus          ---------------------------
12My     Dinohippus    Calippus                     \  |  /
             |          |         Pseudhipparion     \ | /
             |          |              |               |
             -------------------------------------------     Sinohippus
15My                  \  |  /                                 |
                       \ | /                     Megahippus   |
17My                Merychippus                      |        |
                         |           Anchitherium    Hypohippus
                         |                 |           |
23My                Parahippus             Anchitherium             Archeohippus
                         |                       |                       |
25My                              \  |  /
                                   \ | /
35My                                 |
                                Miohippus  Mesohippus
                                      |        |
40My                                  Mesohippus
45My                      Paleotherium    |
                              |          Epihippus
                              |              |
                       Propalaeotherium      |       Haplohippus
                              |              |       |
50My         Pachynolophus    |              Orohippus
                   |          |                 |
                   |          |                 |
                                    \  |  /
                                     \ | /
55My                             Hyracotherium

Last modified: 10 January 1998

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