We understand that the Alabama legislature is considering a requirement that "Scientific Creationism" be included as an alternative to evolutionary theory during discussions in Alabama public schools of the origin and development of life; and

We consider the theory of scientific creationism to be neither scientifically based nor capable of performing the roles required of a scientific theory; and

We agree with the statement of the National Academy of Sciences that "religion and science are separate and mutually exclusive realms of human thought whose presentation in the same context leads to misunderstanding of both scientific theory and religious belief"; and

The proposed action would impair the proper segregation of teaching of science and religion to the detriment of both; and

We favor the continued observance of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing freedom of religion by assuming separation of Church and State; and

The inclusion of the theory of creation represents dictation by a lay body of what shall be included within science;

Therefore, let it be resolved that the Auburn University Senate go on record in strenuous opposition to any legislative attempt to determine or to direct what is taught as science in Alabama's public schools.

A variation of the University of Alabama, Huntsville, faculty senate resolution adapted and ratified by voice vote, without dissent, by the Auburn University faculty senate on 10 March 1981. Wording is inferred from the Hunstville resolution and a memorandum attached to it from John Kuykendall to Delos McKown spelling out the changes made at Auburn.

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